====== Clojure and Scala ====== At the time I originally created this page, functional programming on the JVM was a controversial idea. Today, Scala and Clojure are de-facto standards for large scale distributed systems development and in my current job we use both. Here I index blogs and links on these topics. ===== Clojure(script) ===== * [[http://hoplon.io|Hoplon]], the most innovative web programming environment I've seen in a long time * [[https://coconutpalm.github.io/clj-boot/|Boot Boot]], a batteries-included setup for easy library creation with Boot: * Including live compile/test followed by hot code reload, * Markdown to documentation with live browser reload, * and (optional) upload to gh-pages and Clojars * **Perun** - static web sites using Clojure * [[http://deraen.github.io/hello-world/|Introductory blog]] * [[http://perun.io|Home page]] * [[https://github.com/Deraen/deraen.github.io/blob/blog/build.boot|Example web site / blog using Perun]] ===== Lisps, more generally ===== *[[http://practicaltypography.com/why-racket-why-lisp.html|Why Racket]] is an excellent blog describing benefits that the Lisp family of languages generally brings to programming. *[[http://www.lispcast.com/idea-of-lisp|The Idea of Lisp]] provides useful context and history explaining why Lisp has endured and remains useful today. ===== Scala ===== * http://noelmarkham.github.io/scalaz-scala.io -- Excellent Scalaz presentation ===== Java and FP (pre Java-8) ===== * [[blog:improvements_on_null_safety_for_java_and_eclipse|An Option Monad for Java]] * [[blog:databinding_chaining_observablevalues_together|Monads and Eclipse Databinding]] * [[blog:comprehensibly_comprehending_monads|An Informal Introduction to Monads for Java and Scala Programmers]] * [[blog:java_and_scala_monad_tutorials|A list of Scala and Java monad tutorials]]