Introducing Monads

On the 17th of May 2012 I (David Orme) introduced the topic of monads to the Chicago Scala group. This page just records the presentation materials I used; it is not really intended to stand on its own as a standalone Monad tutorial. As the presentation was well-received, I may rewrite it as a tutorial at some future date.


Other presentations take a fairly theoretical or mathematical approach. This one looks at monads from a the perspective of Java metaprogramming and deliberately does not get theoretical or mathmatical. Others have already done a fine job with those sorts of presentations.

The Mindmap

I spoke from the following mind map, expanding each node individually as I spoke using XMind. Until I get a chance to rework this as a web-friendly presentation, a simple graphic export of the mind map will have to suffice.

Here is an export of the entire mindmap, which gets all of the "hidden" content from the overview mindmap.

To put everything in context, here's the whole thing expanded: