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blog:lazy_lazy_iterables [2014/10/19 22:35] (current)
djo Created
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 +====== Lazy, Lazy Iterables ======
 +In Java, Iterable<​T>​ is almost a Monad. ​ Even so, it's still useful in a lot of ways that a monad is useful--such as for abstracting transformations from collections of one type to collections of another.
 +(Whaaaaaiiiiit! ​ You used the word "​MONAD"​! ​ Okay, I admit it; I did.  But guess what?  Although I'm going to talk about Monads here a bit, I'm NOT going to assume that you know what they are in order to get value from this post.  Feel better yet?)
 +In Java 8, the Streams API helps a lot, but even without Java 8 (which I can't use just yet), it's still a really useful technique. ​ One place I've found it particularly useful has been as an abstraction for data input.
 +Suppose you have a cluster and want to run commands remotely through SSH and collect the output. ​ Assuming that you have set up SSH keys properly, something like the following is really useful:
 +<code java>
 +SshClient remoteServer = new SshClient("​username",​ "​host",​ 22);
 +Iterable<​String>​ lines = remoteServer.relay("​tail /​var/​log/​serverlog"​);​
 +Traditionally,​ a construct like this would SSH to the server, run the specified command on the remote machine, collect the results, and return the resulting collection as an Iterable<​String>​ of lines.
 +Simple and useful, yes?
 +But we can make it better than that!  How?  What about this?
 +<code java>
 +SshClient remoteServer = new SshClient("​username",​ "​host",​ 22);
 +Iterable<​String>​ lines = remoteServer.relay("​tail -f /​var/​log/​serverlog"​);​
 +"​Wait?"​ you ask, "​That'​s exactly the same code as before except that the '​relay'​ command won't ever terminate!"​
 +Not so fast.
 +What if that "​relay"​ command returned immediately after initiating the remote session and then returned lines in the "​lines"​ Iterable as they became available?
 +In other words, what if "​relay"​ implemented an infinite lazy list when appropriate?​
 +"Then you would never close the SSH connection and might leak resources,"​ someone might object.
 +Fair comment. ​ But what if that "​lines"​ Iterable also implemented Closeable? ​ I think this solves all of the technical challenges...
 +Then all that's needed is something like Guava'​s "​Iterables"​ class to finish the Monad implementation for Java's Iterables so we can transform, transformAndFlatten,​ and so on, directly over an Iterable...
 +Some will point out that the Guava engineers already use lazy Iterables.
 +You're right. ​ I'm writing this because I want to tip my hat to them and give the idea some more visibility.
 +Here's the link: https://​​p/​guava-libraries/​wiki/​CollectionUtilitiesExplained
 +Now go have fun!
blog/lazy_lazy_iterables.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/10/19 22:35 by djo