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E4 --> RCP4

Eclipse RCP has proven to be the premier cross-platform open tool for creating rich graphical desktop applications. With RCP, developers can create graphical applications that look and feel native, with a richness that is still very hard to achieve on the Web.

However, Eclipse RCP has also proven to be harder to program than most people would prefer. Particularly, for CRUD-based line of business applications that need rich elements, the base Eclipse RCP framework leaves many questions unanswered about architecture and code structure.

E4 presents an opportunity to address these concerns and to take RCP to the next level.

RCP4" [1-804] -->


One way to improve this situation could be to integrate existing Eclipse technologies inside a radically-productive Rails-style convention-over-configuration framework.


In E4 and Web 2.0 - Is there a better way, I've taken a fairly in-depth look at the platform challenges.

At a lower level of granularity, there are concerns like the view/editor question that has been debated on Planet Eclipse lately. I have a proposal to rectify this situation.

How to do it

Eclipse RCP currently lands on your computer as a bag of parts and a catalog listing many more parts (some free, some not). If you know what to do with each of those parts to make your application, you can be highly productive. But, the default configuration offers little assistance regarding how these parts should be most productively put together into a running build and test environment, much less a running application. This suggests that:


The following technologies may or may not be useful toward implementing this vision:

E4 Summit

This is related to the work being proposed/done at the upcoming E4 Summit

Useful Eclipse RCP Internal Links