Table of Contents


Write all the code examples mentioned below.


Introduce trigram exercise. For our purposes, we'll just examine the trigram-generating part of the algorithm.

Introduce TransformAndConcat as a part of solution. Use single-threaded List-based solution


Recap previous solution Notice that we

Might have to implement a custom collection based on BlockingArrayQueue or somesuch. @see:

Fix/improve this part of the solution (still single-threaded)

But wait! Now that we have a producer-consumer model, we can make a multithreaded IterableHelper that accepts as a parameter the size of the thread pool it should create. We'll cover that next time.

Notice that except for switching to a ProducerConsumerIterable for the initial Lines object, all of our client-side logic (in the function objects) has remained identical.


Make IterableHelper multithreaded.

Run on “War and Peace”; demonstrate speedup / scaling


Why can we do this? List / BlockingQueue obey the following invariants:

Explain in English:

Say it again in math

What have we done?

This design pattern has a name. Unfortunately, the name is rather obscure and has nothing obvious to do with what it buys us, but you've undoubtably heard that name before:

Monad. Sort of. To be explained in the next blog.


Notice that Possible/Option only encapsulates a value. What if we also want to encapsulate some status information suitable for logging?

Introduce the LoggedResult monad.

LoggedResult<T>(T result, List<IStatus> log)

Notice, we can't implement Iterable over this without losing information: either the result or the log.

But we can implement the following method:

private final A contents;
public <B, IterableB extends Iterable<B>> LoggedResult<B> transformAndFlatten(F<A,IterableB> transformer) {
  IterableB result = transformer.apply(contents);
  // How does one flatten IterableB into a new contents variable?


What if Observable<T> were Iterable-over-time?

Introduce Observable<T>

Introduce an implementation of Observable<T> that uses continuations (JYield) to become Iterable using the Consumer/Producer pattern described previously.

Is there an Observable mouse event? Down/Move/Up?

If so, rewrite the droppable widget snippet to use foreach rather than separate events…?

Now we can foreach over Observables; notice how algorithms become clearer?