====== Speaking at Chicago Area Scala Enthusiasts Meeting ====== I'll be speaking at the Chicago Area Scala Enthusiasts (CASE) meeting this coming Thursday. We'll cover the following: * News from the Scala LiftOff East in Reston Virginia two weeks ago * I'll talk about using DSLs written in Scala to improve Java projects Although I haven't decided on the final content yet, topics I'm considering in order to illustrate this second point include: * Showing how to use the excellent Specs unit testing DSL (a great way to get Scala into a Java shop) * A "Make"-like DSL I wrote as my first DSL (doesn't nearly everybody?) * Simplifying Java code by evolving Java into a Scala DSL by translating to Scala and then stepwise introducing Scala idioms I'd love to hear about what people what to hear about. Please comment. :-) To sign up, please visit: http://www.meetup.com/chicagoscala/ before noon, the day of the event. ~~LINKBACK~~ ~~DISCUSSION~~