====== Scala objects can be functions ====== **Note:** This is adapted from my open-source work on Rally's //[[https://github.com/rallyhealth/scala-bootcamp/blob/master/bootcamp/snippets/objects-can-be-functions.md|Scala Bootcamp]].// ===== A function === object with an `apply` method ===== The following examples illustrate how Scala functions are objects and objects (with `apply` methods) are functions. These aren't all idiomatic usage and don't illustrate all the ways to express function objects. They are offered with the following objectives: 1. To teach the main ways Scala "views" functions--as gerunds: nouns that are "verbed". 2. To introduce the concept of "function factories"--methods or functions that return new functions. ==== The examples ==== Class instances can be functions { class Square { def apply(x: Double) = x * x } val sqr = new Square sqr(5.0) } // res0: Double = 25.0 Writing functions as class instances is usually more useful when a constructor holds a parameter value constant. { class Greeter(greeting: String) { def apply(who: String) = println(greeting + " " + who) } val greet = new Greeter("Howdy") greet("Slink") greet("Woody") greet("Buzz") } // Howdy Slink // Howdy Woody // Howdy Buzz When there is no need for a parameter to be held constant (as in the first example), we can use a singleton object. { object sqr { def apply(x: Double) = x * x } sqr(5.0) } // res2: Double = 25.0 Or you can use anonymous function syntax (which is a bit more concise) to define a function that is also an object. (Int => Int is the function's type; it just says the function accepts an Int and returns an Int.) { val sqr = (x: Int) => x * x println(sqr(5)) println(sqr.apply(3)) } // 25 // 9 A function object defined using anonymous function syntax also automatically extends Scala's built-in Function1[A,B] type, which provides other useful goodness that I'll let you look up. { val sqr = (x: Int) => x * x sqr.isInstanceOf[Function1[Int,Int]] } // res4: Boolean = true And using generics along with the Numeric implicits from Scala's standard library, we can define `sqr` over all Numeric types. { import Numeric.Implicits._ def sqr[T: Numeric](x: T) = x * x println(sqr(5)) println(sqr(5.0)) } // 25 // 25.0 Stay tuned! There's much more fun to come! ==== Let's apply what we've learned ==== (I suggest using [[https://ammonite.io|Ammonite]] or a Scala Notebook application to quickly try *New Scala Things* and immediately see your results.) Here are a couple things to try based on what we learned above: 1. Create a function `double` with the type signature `Int => Int` (in the same way we wrote `val sqr` above) that returns twice its argument. Similarly, write a function named `plusOne` that (obviously) adds one to its argument value. 2. We discussed one way to write function factories and we noted that functions created this way also have `Function1` as a supertype. Let's play with this idea. Two methods on `Function1` are `andThen` and `compose`. Given `f1` and `f2` both of type T => T, these let us create a new function `f3` by writing `f1.compose(f2)` or `f1 compose f2`. Using `double` and `plusOne` from above, play with `andThen` and `compose`. What is their difference? How might this technique be useful more generally?